奶酪大师是一部非常优质的纪录片纪录 类型的高清电影,For many years, cheese has been a traditional and authentic product, requiring to produce deep knowlFor many years, cheese has been a traditional and authentic product, requiring to produce deep knowledge of pastures and cattle. Today, however, its production is largely industrialized, resulting in a significant loss of taste. 很多年以来,奶酪都是一种传统和地道的食物,生产者需要对牧场和奶牛都有深入的了解才能挖掘出它的美味。然而,现代高度工业话的生产过程使得奶酪几乎完全丧失了原本的风味。本片带领观众去探寻了几个深藏于高原山谷小溪中,对自然和牲畜都充满尊重,仍然在用原始的工艺制造奶酪的农场。详情